Installing Web Server

Apache is a popular web server application you can install on the Raspberry Pi to allow it to serve web pages.

On its own, Apache can serve HTML files over HTTP, and with additional modules can serve dynamic web pages using scripting languages such as PHP.

Install an Apache web server with PHP. Next, you connect to your EC2 instance and install the web server. This tutorial is designed to work with a MySQL version 5.6 DB instance. If you are using a MySQL 8.0 DB instance instead, you must set the following parameters to the values specified in a customer-created DB parameter group. After successfully installing the Web Server and Web API Server, you can open the IIS Manager to check whether the Default Web Site and ServicesAPI service exist. Tip: The installation log file is saved under the C: drive. If you encounter any issues during the installation, check the log file for more details.

Install Apache

First, update the available packages by typing the following command into the Terminal:

Then, install the apache2 package with this command:

Installing Web Server On Ubuntu

Test the web server

By default, Apache puts a test HTML file in the web folder. This default web page is served when you browse to http://localhost/ on the Pi itself, or (whatever the Pi's IP address is) from another computer on the network. To find the Pi's IP address, type hostname -I at the command line (or read more about finding your IP address).

Browse to the default web page either on the Pi or from another computer on the network and you should see the following:

This means you have Apache working!


Changing the default web page

This default web page is just an HTML file on the filesystem. It is located at /var/www/html/index.html.

Navigate to this directory in a terminal window and have a look at what's inside:

Install Web Server On Windows 10

This will show you:

This shows that by default there is one file in /var/www/html/ called index.htmland it is owned by the root user (as is the enclosing folder). In order to edit the file, you need to change its ownership to your own username. Change the owner of the file (the default pi user is assumed here) using sudo chown pi: index.html.

You can now try editing this file and then refreshing the browser to see the web page change.

Your own website

If you know HTML you can put your own HTML files and other assets in this directory and serve them as a website on your local network.

Additional - install PHP

To allow your Apache server to process PHP files, you'll need to install the latest version of PHP and the PHP module for Apache. Type the following command to install these:

Now remove the index.html file:

and create the file index.php:

Put some PHP content in it:

Now save and refresh your browser. You should see 'hello world'. This is not dynamic but still served by PHP. Try something dynamic:

or show your PHP info:

Further - WordPress

Now you have Apache and PHP installed you can progress to setting up a WordPress site on your Pi. Continue to WordPress usage.

By default, the Web Server is installed as part of the CommServe installation when IIS is enabled on the computer.

If you did not install the Web Server during the CommServe installation, or if you want to install additional Web Servers on other computers, you can do so by using the installation package that was created from the Download Manager application.

Install Web Server Raspberry Pi

Before You Begin

Prepare your environment by reviewing the following tasks:

  • Verify that the installation package that was created from the Download Manager includes the Web Server software. If missing, create a new installation package and include the software. For instructions, see Downloading Software for Windows Computers Using the Download Manager.
  • Review Commvault requirements and gather the information that you must provide during the installation. For more information, see Preinstallation Checklist for the Web Server.
  • If you plan to install the Web Server database on an existing Microsoft SQL Server instance, see Configuring an Existing SQL Instance for Server Packages.


  1. Log on to the computer as an Administrator or as a member of the Administrator group on that computer.
  2. Run Setup.exe from the installation package.

    The installation wizard opens.

  3. On the welcome page, select the I Agree check box and proceed to the next page.
  4. On the Choose the Installation Type page, click Install packages on this computer and proceed to the next page.
  5. On the Select Packages page, select the Web Server check box, and proceed to the next page.
  6. Follow the instructions in the installation wizard.


    • The installation of the Web Server is not supported using an authorization code. You must use a username and password when installing the Web Server.
    • To help you troubleshoot errors that occur before the Installation Summary page appears, check the %allusersprofile%Commvault SystemsGalaxyLogFilesInstall.log file. If errors occur after the Installation Summary page appears, check the installation logs in the Software_Installation_DirectoryLog Files directory.

What to Do Next

  • Review the post installation tasks that you might have to perform to complete the installation:
    • Add Commvault to the Windows Firewall Exclusion List

      If you did not add the Commvault programs and services to the Windows Firewall exclusion list during the installation, you can add them later by using a batch file. For more information, see Configuring Windows Firewall to Allow CommCell Communication.

    • Connect the Web Server to the CommServe Computer

      To ensure that the ODBC connection to the CommServe is established, connect the Web Server to the CommServe Computer. For more information, see Connecting the Web Server or Workflow Engine to the CommServe Computer.

    • Complete Firewall and Network Configurations

      If you configured firewall and network settings during the installation, you must complete additional firewall and network configurations from the CommCell Console. For more information, see Configuring Network Routes.

      If a firewall is placed between the Web Server and the Web Console or CommServe computer, see Firewall Configurations for the Web Server.

  • If you installed a Web Server for Compliance Search, we recommend that you schedule regular backups of the DM2 database on the Web Server. For more information, see Backing Up the Web Server Database.

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Last modified: 10/30/2020 9:02:45 PM

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