Npm Slack



The tool we’ll be using is call Slack-Cli, If you have NPM or Node installed, you can get this tool with a simple npm install slack-cli -g note the -g global flag, this will make the slackcli command available globally anywhere from the command line. Proxy requests with a custom agent. The webhook allows you to customize the HTTP Agent used to create the connection to Slack. Using this option is the best way to make all requests from your app through a proxy, which is a common requirement in many corporate settings. Best price on apple macbook air.

  1. Npm config set strict-ssl false See: Error: SSL Error: SELFSIGNEDCERTINCHAIN while using npm. The recommended way (and more painful) is just to point to the right certificate file, e.g.
  2. Better Slack notifications for AWS CloudWatch. We released a new package for sending better AWS CloudWatch notifications to your Slack channel: lambda-cloudwatch-slack. Check it out on GitHub or NPM. The repo provides a function that can be deployed to AWS Lambda and sends your CloudWatch alarms to a Slack channel.

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