Paint Brush Cleaning Station

If in doubt – Stop and Shout! Take the time to plan where materials are stored and have the right equipment and procedures in place to clean your brushes and rollers.
  1. Airbrush Station
  2. Paint Brush Cleaning Station Pictures
  3. Paint Brush Cleaning Station Near Me

If you are paid to paint, your waste paint and wash water is “trade waste” and you should be using a commercial system to suit your needs, current options are:

Mac osx burn. (Click on the business name for further details)

  1. The EnviroSolutions EnviroWash system provides treatment of water-based paint wash out in an environmentally conscious manner. This wastewater paint treatment system turns paint wash-out from paint brushes and rollers into clean water and inert solid waste, allowing for easier and safer disposal.
  2. Waste insulation made up the filtration layer, to absorb paint and allow cleaning water to pass through. Spare drainage ducting and pipework formed the wastewater outlet. The paintbrush cleaning station is ideal for cleaning all on-site brushes, rollers and tins, with all wastewater filtered through the insulation layer.
  3. Quick Drying Hanger. Here’s a handy way to dry and store paint brushes. Using a hand-saw, cut a.

For cleaning brushes Go!Paint offers an eco-friendly, non-flammable Brush Cleaner fluid that effectively removes both water and solvent based paints from the bristles when used in combination with a Clean and Go cleaning station. Airbrush Cleaning Pot Glass Air Brush Clean Station Paint Jar Bottle with Holder. Was: Previous Price $23.00.

  1. Contained wash system – contact:
  2. Almax Industries
    Dulux 0800 800 424
    Resene 0800 737 363
    RST environmental solutions 0800 425 655
    Wattyl 0800 WATTYL

  3. Trade waste Licence - Contact your local council, in Christchurch: CCC tradewaste
  4. Clean up centre & wash water drop off point (available in Christchurch only) contact: Mainland Paints 03 3381312

Advice for solvent-based paints: Photoshop cc free download for mac.

Please read the Guidlines for the management of lead based paint ( Management of Lead Based Paint).

Example clean up method:

Airbrush station
  • Remove excess paint from brushes & equipment.
  • Use solvents to wash equipment (2 container method).
  • Seal containers and allow the first container at least 24 hours to settle.
  • Decant solvents from 1st into 2nd container, seal and keep for future use.
  • Allow sludge/solids in 1st container to dry out in a safe place and dispose in waste.
  • Contact a WasteMinz Operator to dispose of all used/surplus solvents.

Cans and containers

  • Steel paint cans are recyclable but must be clean and dry.
  • Plastic & metal containers (with the paint scraped out) are also recyclable – check with your transfer station or paint supplier to see if they will take them (Major paint suppliers have a take back system – as in store)
  • Empty aerosol cans may be recycled or disposed of as general rubbish.


  • Always use solvents in the open or a well-ventilated area, well away from drains, gutters and waterways.
  • Use the smallest container and the least amount of solvent you can.

*PLEASE DO NOT pour paint or paint wash water into gutters, drains or stormwater sumps.

Mac applications. It’s bad for the environment, kills fish & insects and you could be fined or taken to court.


Useful information:

Trade Painters brochure (3.5 MB)

Ezyclean Paint wash station (287 KB)

Open this link for registered liquid waste

handlers if you need paint wash water removed

from your site:

(e.g. no trade waste connection available or system is only a holding tank)

Liquid and Hazardous Waste for a list of code compliant operators who will provide you with a waste track receipt and ensure your waste is disposed of correctly.

For general waste disposal enquiries go to the WasteMINZ website:
Or contact your local council:
Christchurch Council
Waimakariri Council
Selwyn Council

New paints and new brushes require new cleaning and storage methods. Dutch manufacturer Go!Paint knows that times are changing and offers new methods for cleaning and storing brushes.
Quick and deep cleaning
For cleaning brushes Go!Paint offers an eco-friendly, non-flammable Brush Cleaner fluid that effectively removes both water and solvent based paints from the bristles when used in combination with a Clean and Go cleaning station. The trick is in a ‘kind of soap’ formula that works with both types of paint and the combination with flexing the brush fiercely over a coated metal grid. The molecule chains in the paint are broken so the paint comes off the bristles easier and the movement over the grid pushes the paint out of the core of the brush whilst the grid scrapes the paint off the bristles. The fluid can be thinned down 1:7 for water based paints. With other paints or combinations, it should be used undiluted. Leave the brush soaking in the fluid for better performance. It can be used for about 10 full washing cycles of up to 4 brushes per cycle. Rinse out the fluid and the brush is ready for re-use or storage. Cleaning a brush like this not only saves you time, it also saves you much time as deep cleaning takes rarely takes more than half a minute per brush.
Short and long term parking for brushes
For storage of brushes Go!Paint has developed a bio-based gel called Store and Go. Once the brush is placed inside the gel (all bristles fully covered) any drying of the remaining paint inside the brush is stopped. You can keep it in the gel for a coffee break or for months. Of course, if the paint particles are already drying there is no stopping that, so it is recommended to first clean the brush before storage. Especially when working with fast drying paint systems.
When you are certain you will re-use the brush the next time with exactly the same type and color of paint you can also skip cleaning and simply stick the brush into the gel.
In case there is some paint or dust contamination inside the gel, there is absolutely no reason to panic. The gel is thick and unlike water, solvents or oils it will not move around the container, so the contamination will not end up inside the bristles of another brush.
As soon as you want to re-use the brush, you simply wipe off the gel with a cloth and dip it in the paint. There is no use in washing the gel out, as the water or solvent will have more effect on the paint than the tiny bit of gel that may still be there. The biggest paint manufacturers have tested this elaborately and fully endorse the product for brush storage.
Re-using a paint brush like this takes just about as little time as taking the packaging off a new brush. And we all know a used brush just gets worn in to nicely fit your hand. So why not give some love to your used paint brushes? They deserve a second life.
GO!Paint is a brand of the Hildering Group. A Dutch family owned business in packaging for the paint and chemical industry since 1958. Go!Paint offers a wide range of paint tools for professionals.
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